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Power analysis and optimization in VLSI circuits and systems

Posted on:2002-04-02Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Wu, QingFull Text:PDF
In this thesis we first introduce a statistical method for estimating the peak power dissipation. The method is based on the theory of extreme order statistics applied to the probabilistic distributions of the cycle-by-cycle power consumption, the maximum likelihood estimation, and the Monte-Carlo simulation. It enables us to predict the maximum power in the space of constrained input vector pairs as well as the complete space of all possible input vector pairs.; We then present a methodology and techniques for generating cycle-accurate macro-models for RT-level power analysis. We propose an exact power function and approximation steps to generate our power macro-model. First order temporal correlations and spatial correlations of up to order 3 are considered in order to improve the estimation accuracy. A variable reduction algorithm is designed to eliminate the “insignificant” variables using a statistical sensitivity test. Population stratification is employed to increase the model fidelity.; Furthermore we introduce a method based on dynamic power management (DPM) to model the system behavior and to achieve minimum power consumption while fulfilling the quality of service (QoS) requirement. The power-managed multimedia system with guaranteed QoS is modeled by using Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPN). We approximate the non-exponential input inter-arrival distribution by using the stage method during our modeling procedure. Based on the mathematical model, the optimal policy (minimum power with guaranteed QoS) is obtained by solving a linear programming problem.; We consider the problem of maximizing the battery service life (BSL) in battery-powered electronics. We first show that the battery efficiency decreases as the discharge current from the battery increases. Next we show that even if the average discharge current remains the same, different discharge current profiles may result in very different BSL. We propose a new design of dual-battery interleaving power supply. The new design combines different batteries to supply power for electronic devices and utilizes different advantages of them to extend the service life of the power supply significantly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Power, Different, Method
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