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Developing a sustainable growth strategy for the ARAS Foundation

Posted on:2003-01-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:How, Colin RichardFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390011983700Subject:Business Administration
The ARAS Foundation is a small not-for-profit organization that provides training and information for the purpose of personal and professional development. ARAS is an acronym for Acceptance, Respect, Affection and Support. These words represent the core values of the ARAS Foundation.;The ARAS Foundation is currently operating in a reactive mode with no long term plans or strategy in place. There is a lack of vision and strategy. The Foundation is operating with a tentative plan for three workshops in the next six months, but this is the total extent of the Foundation's planning.;This project attempts to address the following question: What changes are required for the ARAS Foundation to ensure a strategy for sustainable future growth? The goal was to provide intervention in an effort to assist the ARAS Foundation in developing a strategy. In so doing, the following sub questions helped to shape the study and its outcomes: (1) What are the core values of the ARAS Foundation? (2) What is the vision of the ARAS Foundation? (3) What is the strategy of the ARAS Foundation? (Abstract shortened by UMI.).
Keywords/Search Tags:ARAS foundation, Strategy
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