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Hart Crane as visionary poet

Posted on:2003-03-27Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Southern Illinois University at EdwardsvilleCandidate:Welles, FlynnFull Text:PDF
The Bridge is Hart Crane's epic poem of America and the Brooklyn Bridge is its central image. Over seventy years ago, Crane's friend and colleague Waldo Frank called him a mystic, and rightly so.{09}Several details of Crane's vision of the future of America has proven to be prophetic. His uncanny references in “Cape Hatteras” are chilling and also foretelling of prior and recent events in America such as WWII and those of Sept. 11, 2001. However, in our modern world, mystics are met with skepticism. In some ways, Crane is unfairly overlooked and not recognized for the fine poet that he is.; A devout Whitmanian, Crane was a visionary, and prophetic in his approach to his poetry.{09}This treatment of Hart Crane centers on the visionary aspects of The Bridge and on his literary reputation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Crane, Hart, Visionary, Bridge
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