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Performance of twin falls davit and lifeboat evacuation system in extreme sea

Posted on:2004-11-28Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)Candidate:Pelley, DeanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390011977702Subject:OCEAN ENGINEERING
Evacuation system performance deteriorates as weather conditions worsen. A research program based on model scale tests of a twin falls davit evacuation system has quantified how prevailing weather affects performance. To do this, several measures of performance were proposed and their utility confirmed. Specifically the research reported here investigated performance of a twin falls davit system in extreme weather conditions. In addition, performance effects on wave steepness and lifeboat orientation were determined. Results are presented and discussed in the context of goal-based decision making.
Keywords/Search Tags:Twin falls, Performance, System
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