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Reinforced concrete beam design for shear

Posted on:2004-06-01Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Wang, Hongge (Gordon)Full Text:PDF
The two methods for design of shear adopted by the present CSA Standard A23.3 are either too simple or too complicated. That presents the need for ongoing research to establish a new design guideline for shear design.; Recent studies by Dr. Loov and others have shown that shear design can be based on the shear resistance along potential inclined crack and slip planes. Because the basic equations for this shear design method are derived from "shear friction" theories, we call it "the shear friction method".; In this thesis an entire review of shear design methods has been given and a method of shear design based on shear friction theories has been introduced. From comparison calculations with present code methods it is proved that "the shear friction method" provides a simpler and more accurate approach for shear design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shear design, Shear friction
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