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The story is everything: The path to renewal in Leslie Marmon Silko's 'Ceremony'

Posted on:2004-06-07Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:East Tennessee State UniversityCandidate:Kilgore, Tracy YvonneFull Text:PDF
This is a study of Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony analyzing the process of renewal and the use of stories as guides.; Silko's work deals with problems faced by all who experience the death and destruction of war, a problem complicated by a Native American heritage. Tayo's struggle to complete his ceremony and find renewal is intertwined with his interaction with the medicine man Betonie and the mysterious woman Ts'eh. By the end of the novel, Silko shows that only through a respect for the world can humankind achieve completeness and harmony.
Keywords/Search Tags:Renewal, Silko's
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