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Creating a hybrid landscape: The re-design of Bamfield Marine Station (British Columbia)

Posted on:2003-03-06Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:DeJong, Jeffrey GeorgeFull Text:PDF
This master's degree project is an investigation of sustainable architecture within the context of Bamfield Marine Station. The implications of choosing the Bamfield site direct the discussion towards an investigation which centres around the association and responsibilities that sustainable architecture has towards the natural environment. Central to this investigation of sustainability are issues of objectification and its negative impacts. Denial of emotions and feelings, homogenization and social distance are applicable subtopics which will also be discussed within the framework of objectification. Also addressed in this investigation are concepts of connectedness as a response to issues of objectification. Concepts of self, and the tenets of symbiotic relations will be included in this discussion. As well, connectedness will foster strategies for design intent. The title “Creating a Hybrid Landscape: the Re-Design of Bamfield Marine Station” plays off this idea of connectedness. Through connecting landscape and building it is intended to create a hybrid situation which will serve as an armature of identity and stewardship for the usergroup at Bamfield Marine Station. Bamfield Marine Station provides an educational program with ideals that are consistent with those addressed within sustainable architecture. It seems appropriate that this investigation propose a mediation between building, nature and users in a manner indicative of tendencies implicit in each.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bamfield marine station, Investigation, Sustainable architecture, Hybrid, Landscape
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