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Quantifying and controlling segregation in earth dam construction

Posted on:2003-10-25Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Sutherland, Kenneth JohnFull Text:PDF
During earth dam construction, attempts are made to limit segregation, particularly of the filter and shell zones, in order to maximize material performance and increase stability. However, most of these attempts are based on experience and anecdotal information. This research project sought, and has provided, a quantitative basis for evaluating and controlling segregation. The steps taken to develop the quantitative measures include reviews of modern filter criteria, historical cases of segregation in dam construction, past research of segregation, as well as some development of the theory of one of the dominant mechanisms of segregation. The development of the theory for kinetic sieving utilised idealized engineering mechanics, coupled with a small-scale laboratory program, and the creation of a new index methodology. In addition, a proposed technique for acquiring field measurements of segregation from dam construction sites using digital image analysis was created.
Keywords/Search Tags:Segregation, Dam construction
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