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Model test data analysis of ship maneuverability in ice

Posted on:2003-03-15Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)Candidate:Shi, YuFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents a detailed analysis of planar motion mechanism model test data in various ice conditions. A comprehensive literature investigation on ship maneuverability in ice was performed. The main focus of this work is better understanding of the effects of different ice conditions on ship maneuverability and information for an effective and accurate mathematical model for estimating ship maneuverability in ice. Because of high forces and high accelerations in icebreaking operation, the data are complex. A complete procedure for the analysis of the raw test data, including wavelet transform and neural network calculation, was developed. A ship turning radius predictor based on the data gives internally consistent results. The proposals for further research, to achieve a more accurate model, are provided.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data, Model, Ship maneuverability, Ice
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