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Unraveling the significance of design details

Posted on:2004-03-22Degree:M.I.DType:Thesis
University:The University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Harder, Carolyn VFull Text:PDF
The focus of the practicum will be a close examination of the effect of design details within an interior environment. The opportunity for the investigation was inspired by the limited research devoted to the subject, though the strength of a design project often lies in the relationship of all the elements involved within an interior space, down to the smallest of scales. The selection of the topic was also due to a personal need to understand details within my own design strategies. There is a challenge in evolving a project that begins by responding to the minute rather than the beginning with the whole shell. For the profession of Interior Design, the relevance of the research will provide a framework for evaluating details, which does not yet exist. The research will also increase awareness of the impact of design details, based on their performance as well as appearance capabilities.; As the design context is secondary to the inquiry, the environment will allow for a demonstration of the significance of design details. Personal interest is in the investigation of waiting spaces. More specifically, an airport lounge is chosen as the testing site. The inquiry process will use existing airport lounges in both a domestic and international context as the platform for dissection. Understanding how the design details are expressed within the airport lounge atmosphere will build a foundation of design strategies. The findings resulting from the research will then be communicated within the design solutions for the proposed Winnipeg International Airport lounge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Design details, Airport lounge
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