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Interfacing scales of community in Halifax: The architecture of transportation filters (Nova Scotia)

Posted on:2004-09-17Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Scott, Troy AnthonyFull Text:PDF
This thesis investigates the possibility of using and adding to existing rail infrastructure in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, to propose a commuter rail service. The proposal creates a loop around the periphery of the peninsula to connect the three modes of public transit used in Halifax: bus, train, and ferry travel. A new major station is created at the neck of the peninsula, the gateway into the city. The proposed building stitches together a community divided by a rail corridor. The interface between each mode is studied to create a network using three station types that are designed to deal with site conditions at each station location along the proposed rail lines.
Keywords/Search Tags:Halifax, Rail
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