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Celebrating the extra ordinary: The architecture of festival in Pictou, Nova Scotia

Posted on:2004-01-30Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:DalTech - Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Cotter, Mark BenjaminFull Text:PDF
This thesis recognizes and builds upon what is already great about local culture and community through a study of the everyday and of festival within Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada. It argues that the extra ordinary actions within a town are the real heart and the true indication of the culture of a place. Regarded as unimportant, banal, and even primitive by elitist attitudes, the everyday is often over-looked in architecture. In ignoring the everyday, architecture becomes exclusionary in its denial of universal realities. Instead, through perception, the everyday can be elevated to its proper position within architectural culture, because it is within the mundane idiosyncracies of place that rest the rituals which are profoundly influential in forming relationships, creating memory, establishing environmental awareness, instilling local pride, and uniting community.; The everyday is real. The everyday culture of the lobster industry, which culminates in the Lobster Carnival parade, is celebrated in this thesis for its contribution to the soul of a place.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture, Culture
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