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Assessing ecological design principles as they relate to sustainability in neighborhoods of Tucson, Arizona

Posted on:2004-03-01Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:The University of ArizonaCandidate:Bass, Beverly JuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390011466267Subject:Landscape architecture
Within urban areas, ecological design practices, as they relate to sustainability, are often employed to balance the needs of human and natural ecosystems. Older communities typically incorporated sustainable practices such as tightly clustered, multi-use development patterns, water harvesting and the use of vegetation to shade structures because technologies to overcome climate and travel limitations did not exist. During the twentieth century, technology advancements and changes in development patterns contributed to a decreased emphasis on these practices. This study assessed neighborhoods of various ages in Tucson, AZ to determine what trends towards or away from ecological design practices exist in the area. Results of this study suggested that newer neighborhoods in Tucson exhibited fewer indicators of ecological design than did older neighborhoods, suggesting that ecological concerns may have had a diminishing role to play in the design of Tucson neighborhoods over time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological, Neighborhoods, Tucson, Practices
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