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Anding the art dynamic

Posted on:2004-02-22Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:University of HoustonCandidate:Roberts, Stephanie Kate MillerFull Text:PDF
Art involves people, places, and objects connecting to create an art system of making artworks, presenting exhibitions, and participating in art experiences. My place in this system is as an art maker and an art educator and a student and a museum intern. I am involved consciously in this system with my experiences, beliefs, and biases but am not comfortable accepting the limited definitions and roles of my various positions. I want to reconceptualize the traditional system of categorizing in order to continue anding the art dynamic. By anding the art system, we recognize the interactions of the artworld and open the system to limitless, dynamic possibilities and transformations. Without participating in this type of art dynamic, the art experience becomes restricted and static. This paper seeks to rethink the art dynamic as well as discuss the implications of accepting such an approach to art from an art maker's point of view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anding the art dynamic, System, Art maker
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