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The urban garden discourse community: An organic form of technical writing

Posted on:2012-03-08Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Arkansas at Little RockCandidate:Coley, Adrea EttaFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this project is to inform the audience about the methods used to process food in America and the importance of urban gardening. Technical writing skills were used to create a manual and a storyboard for a video game to teach novices how to create a home or community garden. The Basic Foundations for Organic Gardening is a manual produced from the journal notes during the author's first year of training in the garden. This project also explores the theory of video games as a tool for teaching. A storyboard was developed for a future interactive video game, Macrobiotic 2030. It is designed to also instruct the player on the gardening basics in a virtual space.
Keywords/Search Tags:Garden
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