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Dynamic and thermal circulations over the Tharsis region on Mars

Posted on:2004-12-14Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Sta. Maria, Magdalena Rosario VillarosaFull Text:PDF
The Tharsis region on Mars, having some of the most complex terrain on the planet, is rife with small-scale atmospheric phenomena. Images from Viking orbiter and Mars Global Surveyor reveal afternoon cap clouds over Tharsis volcanoes, bore wave-like clouds, and wind streaks, among others. The effect of the extreme topography on the small-scale circulations, and its potential impact on the large-scale, is examined with emphasis on wind streak formation, bore wave phenomena, and thermal circulations.; The study shows that daytime thermal circulations are a possible major daily source of atmospheric dust loading and maintenance. Predicted cold spots over volcanoes during the daytime may be associated with the observed cap clouds. Nighttime downslope flows generate bore waves and results indicate a seasonality to their occurrence. Wind streak studies reveal high correlations to observations in certain regions, though results imply more complicated processes involved in streak formation than is currently thought.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thermal circulations, Tharsis, Over
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