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Effet des demoulants utilises en pultrusion sur les proprietes mecaniques et l'interface metal/polymere

Posted on:1999-01-17Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Blaise, EricFull Text:PDF
Pultrusion is a process used to produce constant section composite beams. To optimize the process, we must know the variation of the composite's properties when different additives are mixed in the resin formula. In this study, the additives added to the resin are internal release agents which reduce the adhesion between the metal dye and the pultruded beam. By adding internal release agents in the resin formula, we improve the processability, but at the same time, due to the nature of these additives, the mechanical properties are reduced. Ideally, the objective of this study is to find a resin formula which is easily processable and at the same time doesn't hinder the mechanical properties of the beam. Therefore, we would find an experimental technique to compare different internal release agents as well as measure their effect on the mechanical properties of the finished product.;The tested materials are the EPON...
Keywords/Search Tags:Mechanical properties, Internal release agents
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