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Host-guest chemistry of chiral benzylviologen cyclophanes in solution and in the solid state

Posted on:1999-08-10Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Pennsylvania State UniversityCandidate:Gavin, Julia AFull Text:PDF
Two model cyclophanes, one containing the peptide sc L-ala-leu-val and the other containing a cyclohexane diamine chiral unit have been synthesized. The binding properties of these selectors have been evaluated by NMR and UV-visible spectroscopy using several ;The cyclophane hosts can be intercalated into ;Host-guest association constants were found to be significantly lower in the intercalation compounds than in solution. Because the viologen groups are used as the ;The fact that the scL-ala-leu-val cyclophane showed such good enantioselectivity suggests that the combinatorial approach could be highly successful with a very broad range of analytes. In order to develop a screening method for a tripeptide-cyclophane library, the synthesis of the cyclophane was modified for assembly of the entire cyclophane on a solid support.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cyclophane, Chemistry
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