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Making the ultimate relevant to the twenty-first century toward an inclusive, just and ethical Earth existence

Posted on:2003-11-23Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of LouisvilleCandidate:Gude, Suzanne HibdonFull Text:PDF
This thesis proposes that an inclusive, just and ethical earth existence is necessary in the twenty-first century if humankind is to survive. In order to create such an earth existence, humankind, particularly North American Christians, need a new vision of the earth that illustrates how all creation, human and non-human are intimately interconnected on this planet.; Beginning in Chapter One with feminist theologians who offer new models of God, this thesis argues that North American Christians cannot, or will not, accept new ways of knowing God until they begin a spiritual transformation that will illustrate the relationship and interdependence humans have upon nature and how their role plays a part in creation. The answer to why this transformation is critical for our time will be discussed in Chapter Two. Chapter Three will attempt to show how North American Christians can look to other religious traditions to find elements that will enable them to better see how humankind is intimately interconnected to otherkind, thus creating a personal transformation. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Earth, Humankind, North american christians
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