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Properties of the plasma mantle in the earth's magnetotail

Posted on:1999-11-02Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Boston UniversityCandidate:Shodhan-Shah, SheelaFull Text:PDF
The plasma mantle is the site where the solar wind enters the Earth's magnetosphere. As yet, the mantle in the magnetotail (downstream part of the magnetosphere) has remained an enigma, for this region is remote and inaccessible. However, new results from the GEOTAIL spacecraft have yielded data on the mantle, making its study possible. The research reported in this dissertation uses the measurements made by the GEOTAIL spacecraft when it was beyond 100 Re (1 Re = Earth radius) in the magnetotail to determine the global geometrical and dynamical properties of the mantle. The model and the data together provide a cross-sectional picture of the mantle, as well as its extent into the tail and along the circumference of the tail. The model assesses the mass and momentum flux flowing through the mantle and merging with the plasma sheet (a relatively dense region that separates the oppositely directed fields of the tail lobes). In this way, the thesis examines the importance of the mantle as a source that replenishes and moves the plasma sheet. Moreover, it addresses the relative importance of the global dynamical modes of the tail.; The analysis finds that the tail's 'breathing' mode, of shape change, occurs on a timescale of tens of minutes while a windsock-type motion, responding to changes in the solar wind direction, occurs on a scale of hours. The mantle extends about 140{dollar}spcirc{dollar} around the circumference of the tail rather than 90{dollar}spcirc{dollar} as previously thought and is about 20 {dollar}pm{dollar} 9 Re thick. It is capable of feeding the plasma sheet with sufficient particles to make up for those lost and can drag it away with a force that compares with the Earthward force on it. The rate at which the energy flows through the tail at 100 Re is about 10% of that in the solar wind and is a factor of 10 higher than the energy dissipated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mantle, Plasma, Solar wind, Tail
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