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Investigation of non-classical states of atoms and photons

Posted on:2001-08-13Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The University of RochesterCandidate:Kuzmich, Alexander MFull Text:PDF
This dissertation deals with theoretical and experimental research on nonclassical, or entangled, states of atoms and photons.; In the first part, I describe two approaches to the preparation of entangled states of a large number of atoms. The first approach is based on the transfer of quantum correlations from non-classical light to the atomic spins. I consider three different situations: (a) the atoms are placed in a loss-free cavity and no relaxation of any kind is present; (b) the atoms are placed in a cavity with input and output for the electromagnetic field and the atoms spontaneously decay from the upper state; (c) there is no cavity around the atoms and spontaneous emission is present. I show that in all three situations with judicious choice of parameters, entangled samples of atoms can be produced. The second approach is based on quantum-nondemolition (QND) measurements of collective atomic operators. I describe experiments with pulsed and cw light as the probe, that result in squeezed spin states of atoms. When a rf magnetic field is applied to the atomic sample, sub-shot noise performance of an atomic spin interferometer is demonstrated.; In the second part of the thesis I describe investigations of phase properties of two-photon and single-photon states. These experiments make use of spontaneous type-II down-conversion in a nonlinear crystal. First, interferometric measurement of a phase shift at the Heisenberg limit for a two-photon state is described. Next, a violation of Bell-type inequalities in phase space is demonstrated for the quantum optical version of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen state. Finally, some recent work directed toward homodyning a single photon against a strong local oscillator field is described.
Keywords/Search Tags:Atoms, State
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