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A posteriori error estimates of finite element solutions

Posted on:2004-03-28Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Cheng, BuyuanFull Text:PDF
The objective of this thesis is: (a) to apply A. Mashaie's algorithm to compute the error estimator of the finite element solutions; (b) to extend A. Mashaie's work from solid mechanics to energy calculation; (c) to extend A. Mashaie's work from 8-node hexahedral element to 4-node and 10-node tetrahedral element, 6-node and 15-node prism element and 20-node hexahedral element.; The duality method in error analysis employing a kinematically and a statically admissible stress field and a kinematically and a statically admissible thermal flux field is used to compute an error bound.; The details of matrix equations being used to develop program are derived in this thesis. The code is implemented in an existing FEM program for solving the problems of stresses and energy analysis. To verify implemented code, several test problems were studied.
Keywords/Search Tags:Error, Element
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