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Exploring the effects of corporate social performance on employees

Posted on:2005-07-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Wry, Tyler Benjamin EarlFull Text:PDF
While business and society literature has begun to examine the effects of companies' human resource management, image and reputation on employees, large gaps remain in our understanding of the effects of corporate social performance (CSP) on employees. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of this relationship, I argue it must be examined according to each of the principle, process, and outcome dimensions outlined in Wood's (1991) model of CSP. In my case study of a large Canadian oil and gas transportation company, I found evidence that employees are affected by CSP along each of these dimensions. The most common outcomes included increased commitment, morale, job satisfaction, and self-esteem. These outcomes have implications for future study of the employee/CSP relationship, the present conceptualization of stakeholder theory, as well as for corporate practices of social performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social performance, Effects, Corporate, CSP, Employees
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