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Identifying Organizational Factors that Moderate the Engagement-Turnover Relationship in a Healthcare Setting

Posted on:2013-11-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Minnesota State University, MankatoCandidate:Collini, Stevie AFull Text:PDF
It is essential for organizations to understand how turnover functions within their business and the potential other organizational factors have on affecting turnover, in order to know how to leverage these factors to effectively reduce turnover and the costs associated with it. The present study examined the relationship between employee engagement and turnover in clinical departments within a healthcare setting and the effects other organizational factors, such as respect, diversity, diversity climate and mission fulfillment have on that relationship. The results of the study demonstrate that although the relationship between engagement and turnover is significant, that none of the variables significantly interacted with engagement to predict turnover rates. Main effects existed for tenure and age, the two variables used to assess diversity, and engagement, but no other main effects were found. Implications for these results and future directions are explored in the discussion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organizational factors, Turnover, Relationship, Engagement
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