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Financial system in economic development: The nature and role of a robust financial system in the economic transformation of Uganda

Posted on:2006-08-29Degree:M.B.AType:Thesis
University:Duquesne UniversityCandidate:Nkwasibwe, Frederick LeoFull Text:PDF
Financial System in Economic Development: The Nature and Role of Robust Financial System in the Economic Transformation of Uganda is a thesis that treats the nature and role of the massive network of efficient as opposed to dysfunctional financial institutions and functions in the mobilization and allocation of financial resources for creative investment and economic transformation of Uganda.; The thesis suggests that a market-focused robust financial system utilizing a Rural Reach Refocus Financial Model (the 3-R Financial Model), spurs the entrepreneurial revolution, offers debt and equity financing, and enhances economic transformation. It also highlights the basic conditions for the success of the 3-R Financial Model, which are awareness and attitude change, information efficacy, competition candor and government friendly intervention.
Keywords/Search Tags:Financial, Economic transformation, Nature and role, Uganda
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