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Oil and gas pipeline construction cost analysis and developing regression models for cost estimation

Posted on:2013-06-25Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Texas A&M University - KingsvilleCandidate:Thaduri, Ravi KiranFull Text:PDF
In this study, cost data for 180 pipelines and 136 compressor stations have been analyzed. On the basis of the distribution analysis, regression models have been developed.;Material, Labor, ROW and miscellaneous costs make up the total cost of a pipeline construction. The pipelines are analyzed based on different pipeline lengths, diameter, location, pipeline volume and year of completion. In a pipeline construction, labor costs dominate the total costs with a share of about 40%. Multiple non-linear regression models are developed to estimate the component costs of pipelines for various cross-sectional areas, lengths and locations.;The Compressor stations are analyzed based on the capacity, year of completion and location. Unlike the pipeline costs, material costs dominate the total costs in the construction of compressor station, with an average share of about 50.6%. Land costs have very little influence on the total costs.;Similar regression models are developed to estimate the component costs of compressor station for various capacities and locations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regression models, Cost, Pipeline, Compressor
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