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The effects of group regulatory focus, psychological safety, and communication on the accuracy of team idea evaluation and selection

Posted on:2013-07-12Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nebraska at OmahaCandidate:Kennel, Victoria LFull Text:PDF
Little research examines group composition and group processes in relation to the creative cognitive process of idea evaluation and selection. This study examined how group composition of promotion and prevention regulatory focus, using average, range, maximum and minimum, separation, and variety methods of operationalizing group composition, related to the accuracy of group idea evaluation and solution selection. This study also examined whether group perceptions of psychological safety and communication mediated the relationship between group promotion and prevention regulatory focus and the accuracy of group idea evaluation and solution selection. Forty-two groups of four students first individually completed trait-like regulatory focus assessments. Groups then read ten solutions generated by other students to solve a problem, evaluated the ten solutions for quality and originality with the assistance of a rubric, and selected the best solution to solve the problem. Finally, group members individually completed psychological safety and communication assessments. Group solution originality evaluation accuracy related to the accurate selection of a creative (i.e., high in quality and original) solution, whereas group solution quality evaluation accuracy related to the accurate selection of a high quality solution. In addition, variety in group regulatory focus related to less accurate solution originality evaluations, but more accurate selections of a high quality solution. Similarly, groups with higher levels of promotion focus, when conceptualized with the average, maximum, and minimum methods, were less likely to accurately select a high quality solution. Instead, groups with higher levels of promotion focus, when conceptualized with the average method, were more likely to accurately select a creative solution. Psychological safety and communication did not relate to group composition of regulatory focus or group solution evaluation or selection accuracy. The findings suggest that group accuracy in standard-specific solution evaluations relates to and may influence the selection of an optimal solution to solve a complex problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:Selection, Evaluation, Regulatory focus, Solution, Psychological safety, Accuracy, Communication, Composition
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