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Optomechanical behavior of embedded fiber Bragg grating strain sensors

Posted on:2006-07-05Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Drexel UniversityCandidate:Mastro, Stephen AFull Text:PDF
Fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) can provide extremely sensitive strain measurements for various materials and structures. The main functionality of the Bragg grating is along the fiber's main axis, where changes in the grating's spacing can be converted into strain measurements. Previous work from a number of researchers has identified bifurcation and broadening of the Bragg signal under transverse loading. The work presented in this thesis highlights efforts to relate transverse loading to changes in index of refraction in the fiber core cross section, and then ultimately to predicted changes in Bragg signals. The background of FBGs, their application, manufacturing, and operation is outlined. In addition, background on the general concept of photoelasticity, the relationship of stress and index of refraction, in glass materials is presented. A theoretical analysis was performed for uncoated silica fiber to calculate the stresses within an optical fiber core under transverse loading. The transverse loading profile ranged from pure diametric point loading to a more distributed profile. The stresses calculated were translated into changes of index of refraction and FBG signal values. The analysis was then simulated utilizing a numerical model, calculating stress, change of index of refraction, and change in FBG signal with various transverse loading profiles. In addition to an uncoated fiber, a polymer coated fiber system was analyzed. The model was verified by performing a laboratory experiment where FBGs were loaded transversely and their signal monitored. A special loading rig was designed and fabricated to impart transverse loading to the fiber while monitoring the compression load and deflection of the loading plates. The laboratory experienced showed reasonable agreement with the numerical model. The data show that side loading of the FBG caused a bifurcation of the signal, and that this effect can be predicted by the theoretical model. The modeling work completed provides a useful tool in predicting effects on FBGs of potential transverse loading scenarios, whether these effects are undesirable, or sought after.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fiber, Transverse loading, Bragg, FBG, Strain, Fbgs
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