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Ontogenese et specificite de la voix humaine

Posted on:2012-10-18Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Beauchemin, MaudeFull Text:PDF
Voice is a very prominent auditory stimulus in our acoustic environment. It is not only the carrier of speech, but would also be an auditory face that conveys important affective and identity information. Our ability to discriminate and recognize voices is socially and biologically important as it is amongst the most important functions of the human auditory system. This thesis was interested in the ontogenesis and specificity of the cortical response to human voice and had three objectives: (1) to develop an electrophysiological protocol to objectively measure the processing of voice familiarity in adult subjects; (2) to assess whether the same electrophysiological protocol could also objectify preferential processing of a familiar voice in 24-hour-old newborns, in particular the mother’s voice; and (3) to test the robustness of an electrophysiological measure, more specifically the Fronto- Temporal Positivity to Voices, interested in pre-attentional discrimination between vocal and nonvocal stimuli. Results from these three experimental designs have enabled (1) to identify electrophysiological components (Mismatch Negativity and P3a) sensitive to the processing of voice familiarity; (2) to highlight a singular pattern of cortical activation to the mother’s voice in newborns, providing the first neurophysiological evidence of language acquisition, a process especially related to the mother-child interaction; and (3) to confirm that vocal/non-vocal discrimination is a pre-attentional process, while enhancing the selectivity and the specificity of voice processing cortical response.;Keywords : voice, familiarity, discrimination, timbre, electrophysiology, N1, MMN, FTPV, P3a, source analysis, newborns.
Keywords/Search Tags:Voice, Processing
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