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A Cloud Computing Training Platform

Posted on:2012-03-17Degree:M.C.SType:Thesis
University:University of New Brunswick (Canada)Candidate:Ugyel, PhuntshoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2458390008497131Subject:Computer Science
Cloud computing is the latest computing model to have generated a lot of interest in the computing industry. While it promises to transform the way we avail computing resources, confusion still reigns as what it exactly is. In this report, we investigate this new computing paradigm from various aspects such as the various models, enabling technologies and key considerations into its adoption, both from the perspectives of the providers and the users of the cloud. These various investigations then help us to achieve the primary objective- to set up a cloud computing training platform based on the existing architectural cloud designs and implementations. The developed cloud then aims to help cloud adapters to learn, experience and experiment with cloud computing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cloud computing
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