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Migrating from proprietary to open source learning content management systems

Posted on:2006-12-18Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Ahmed, OwaisFull Text:PDF
GTID:2458390005494090Subject:Computer Science
This exploratory research examines projects that colleges and universities undertake to migrate from proprietary to open source learning content management systems. Responses to questionnaires from eleven individuals involved in nine open source migration projects were used to identify the: (i) main reasons for migrating to open source software, (ii) obstacles encountered during the migration, (iii) key factors that contribute to the success of open source migration projects, and (iv) main organizational changes that result from migrating to an open source learning content management system. Based on research results, propositions are developed and recommendations are made to chief information officers (CIOs) and presidents of colleges as well as senior managers of suppliers of proprietary learning content management systems. Propositions are developed anchored around four models: (i) decision to migrate, (ii) LCMS selection, (iii) success of migration project, and (iv) outcomes from migrating to an open source learning content management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Open source learning content, Migrating, Proprietary, Propositions are developed
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