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Time slicing: Effects on push and pull manufacturing systems

Posted on:2006-05-26Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Oklahoma State UniversityCandidate:Moghe, Eshan AnilFull Text:PDF
Scope and method of study. The basic idea of this research effort is to study the effect of the time slicing technique on pull and push manufacturing systems. The two systems were studied with the resource shared on a first-come-first-served basis and on a time-sliced basis. In order to carry out this study, simulation models of the two systems were built using data generated from a lab experiment. These models were then modified to implement time slicing. The study is limited to understanding the workstation interactions and does not include non-machine factors like labor.; Findings and conclusions. From the study conducted, it was seen that if one has to share a resource in a push system environment, it is better to have it shared on a first-come-first-served basis. Whereas, if a resource has to be shared in a pull system environment, it is beneficial to have it time sliced. This can be said as the push system deteriorates under time slicing, whereas the pull system parameters showed improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Time, System
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