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A characterization for a placement machine in a Surface Mount Technology assembly line

Posted on:2007-10-13Degree:M.EType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Gomez-Villa, Juan GuillermoFull Text:PDF
This project presents the development of a computer based model to characterize the assembly time for a placement machine in a Surface Mount Technology assembly line. This model estimates the assembly time for a Printed Circuit Board with any configuration. The characterization of a placement machine is an important tool for the electronics industry due to the need to improve the process time in the whole assembly line. The analysis shows that the Characterizer application has an average error of 4.69%, as compared to the current application of 20.39% and Fuji of 67.17%.; The model program is developed using Microsoft Visual BasicRTM for Applications in Excel. The computer application is performed under a human-machine interface environment in order to illustrate the viability, flexibility and capability of the proposed model.
Keywords/Search Tags:Placement machine, Assembly, Model
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