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Art expression and experience in a middle school classroom

Posted on:2005-04-30Degree:M.A.EType:Thesis
University:Pacific Lutheran UniversityCandidate:Elliott, Katherine JFull Text:PDF
This qualitative inquiry investigates self expression, behavior, and social skill development of middle school students in art. The following question guided the inquiry: Can students, who work in a non-competitive, socially inclusive classroom with shared goals or experiences, form skills that positively encourage self expression, social skills, and positive behavior? Data was collected through the use of a questionnaire, interviews, discussions, participation, and observation. Findings are presented in the form of statistical data, student work, and student dialogue. If the benefits of art for middle school students are to remain active in schools, then educators and law makers must ensure that opinions about art change. Art must be accepted as an academic subject and given as much credence as a math or science course. Teachers need to be encouraged to use art and creative inspirations while teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art, Middle school, Expression
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