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Advocacy services for high-risk Latino families caring for children with autism: A grant proposal

Posted on:2013-09-16Degree:M.S.WType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Navarro, CynthiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2457390008980527Subject:Social work
The purpose of this project was to write a grant to obtain funding for a program that provides advocacy services and information to 15 high-risk Latino families caring for children with autism from Harbor Regional Center. Participating families would commit to a 24-session empowerment program, specifically focusing on the importance and the potential outcomes of parent advocacy. The goal of this empowering program is to raise awareness about autism and advocacy so families can learn to navigate the system and seek the best services for their children on their own. The ability to develop a program that specifically focuses on this population has the potential of having a significant effect on the quality of life of children with autism and their families.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children with autism, Latino families caring for children, High-risk latino families caring, Advocacy, Program
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