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Using action research to engage adult literacy learners in developing an employability portfolio

Posted on:2006-07-18Degree:M.Ad.EdType:Thesis
University:St. Francis Xavier University (Canada)Candidate:Turner, Ann-MarieFull Text:PDF
Many adult literacy learners have an abundance of work-related skills but lack the "work language" needed to document them. This creates a gap for adult literacy learners and places them at a disadvantage when looking for work and educational opportunities. This thesis describes an action research study in a community-based, work-related adult literacy program, focused on assisting 10 adult literacy learners in documenting their informal and formal work-related knowledge and skills by combining a practical "functional context" curriculum, with portfolio development and on-site job experience. The literature in this study explores the impact of the latest International Literacy Survey, outcome-based education, and the growing interest and concern with current Prior Learning Assessment practices. This action research study was influential in allowing me to explore various ways to solve a workplace problem and in improving my practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adult literacy learners, Action research
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