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Internationalization of faculty websites using XML

Posted on:2006-12-15Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Acadia University (Canada)Candidate:Wang, FeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2457390008468536Subject:Computer Science
Growing globalization generates interest in internationalized software that can be localized to various languages. Data management becomes a crucial issue in the development stage of an internationalized application because the process of globalization of software involves extraction of all translatable text, preparation the text for localization, plus translation and verification of the text. As XML technology emerged as a format to manipulate and exchange data, it became an ideal data processing solution for the globalization of software.; This thesis describes an XML-based system that can be used to create an internationalized website which shows the Curriculum Vitae (CV) for a faculty member (creator). The final product is a website that can display a faculty member's CV in different languages and rendering formats. This website will initially be displayed in one language but will have the option to be displayed in a variety of languages chosen by the creator. In addition, the creator is able to specify one or more rendering formats for this data, such as HTML or PDF.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data, Faculty, Website
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