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Exploring the Relationship between Learning Agility and College Basketball Performance

Posted on:2014-01-01Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Chicago School of Professional PsychologyCandidate:McCrea-Dastur, ArminFull Text:PDF
GTID:2457390005491780Subject:Business Administration
This quantitative study explored the relationship between learning agility, the willingness and ability to learn from experience and apply learning to new situations, and performance in collegiate basketball guards. Learning agility is used in the business industry during talent management discussions to identify potential. Assessing potential grows in important as the implications of collegiate sport becomes more financially relevant. To date, sport psychology research has not been able to determine a reliable source to identify potential; therefore, learning agility may be a practical construct for coaches and sport psychology consultants. This study sampled 32 guards from Division I men's college basketball programs. The research hypothesis was not supported and no significant results were found; however, a trend toward significance was found when an increase in participants was added to a second ANOVA analysis. This warrants future testing, with a larger sample size, to determine if significant results may be found.
Keywords/Search Tags:Learning agility, Basketball
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