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From production to consumption: Gentrification, preservation, and the uneven (re)development of Pittsburgh's South Sid

Posted on:2012-03-29Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Indiana University of PennsylvaniaCandidate:Holdzkom, Nicholas JosephFull Text:PDF
The city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is the result of more than 250 years of capitalist development. Pittsburgh's South Side reflects the uneven economic development that has taken place during the city's industrialization, deindustrialization, and gentrification. The South Side is now a space of service and recreation consumption, rather than a space of industrial production and accumulation. No longer a group of organic neighborhoods produced by local agents, it is now a space produced by non-local finance capital, aided by local public policy promoting historic preservation as a method of branding. The goal of this research is to show that contemporary gentrification in the South Side is part of a larger set of processes understood through neoliberalism and uneven development. This research contributes to the gentrification discourse and shows how historic preservation is now part of the gentrification process. This paper researches the geography of capitalism in an under-researched area.;Keywords: Gentrification, Uneven Development, Historic Preservation, Pittsburgh.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development, Gentrification, Preservation, Uneven, South
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