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Addressing the gender gap in federal law enforcement professions: The motivational attraction of women in computing

Posted on:2012-04-10Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Rochester Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Stanek, MaeganFull Text:PDF
Nationwide, federal law enforcement agencies seek candidates with specialized skill sets and more advanced educational knowledge for employment. In view of this, it is proven, after much open source research into federal agencies' qualification requirements, that those who possess a background in select areas, specifically computer science, have a better opportunity for employment with federal law enforcement agencies, particularly in the computing sector; although, in many cases, work experience can be substituted for a college degree [7]. For this reason, many women are not involved in, nor apply for, computing professions within federal law enforcement agencies. A significant step in encouraging women to pursue computing careers is to examine the reasons women, currently employed in federal law enforcement, have chosen a computer-related career path. Research that provides an analysis of the motivations that exist for women in becoming interested in computing professions, within federal law enforcement agencies, will help address the issue of equal representation for the underrepresented population of women in computing fields.
Keywords/Search Tags:Federal law enforcement, Computing, Computer science
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