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Artsmart city: A development and implementation guide for a public art policy and program for communities

Posted on:2005-01-19Degree:M.C.PType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Shurb, Angela N. CFull Text:PDF
GTID:2456390008994496Subject:Urban and Regional Planning
Public art programs and policies were investigated through the lens of placemaking and collaborative planning theory and through investigation of precedents of relevant experiences in successful organizations. Interviews with key informants from municipalities and arts organizations offered key insights about development processes and policy implementation in various cities. This research builds upon relevant planning literature and understanding by applying planning theories in a new way through municipal policy and programming in the realm of public art. The research will help guide municipalities or other organizations in establishing tailor-made policies or programs.; This practicum contributes to planning knowledge of collaborative planning and placemaking using public art as a catalyst. The practicum introduces planning professionals as well as planning academics and students to public art policy. Public art policy is a relatively new concept in mainstream planning education and practice. However, it offers a new medium where planners can employ their skills while contributing to the practice of making communities good places to live and introducing an aesthetic value into the environment. Public art policy development and implementation exposes planners to collaboration with different sectors of the community with varied strengths and perspectives than might surface in other planning projects. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Public art, Planning, Development, Implementation
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