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Legal aspects of launching and operating spacecraft

Posted on:2005-02-12Degree:LL.MType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Fiallos Pazmino, Luis FernandoFull Text:PDF
Over the last years, the number of commercial space activities has increased tremendously. Technological developments have been the main reason in the emerging of new services that use space infrastructure. In order to provide these new space services, it is necessary to launch and operate spacecraft.; Complying with the laws and regulations of the launching and operating activities is one of the most relevant issues that prospective spacecraft operators may face in this complex industry.; This work compiles the legal sources to effectively launch and operate spacecraft destined for commercial space applications. Its goal is to identify common constraints that operators may find in the process of licensing and acquiring orbits or radio frequencies and the national/international legal principles, which govern spacecraft operations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Space, Legal
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