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El gobierno universitario y su respuesta a una situacion de crisis y restriccion presupuestaria: El caso de la universidad publica peruana

Posted on:2005-12-01Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:HEC Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Mayorga Gutierrez, David JesusFull Text:PDF
This research on university governance in a crisis and budgetary restriction situation was done in a contemporary and particular context: that of the university sector in Peru between 1995 and 2000. The thesis describes the complexity of university governance and its market orientation as a result of the need for new economic sources.;The study aims to know how and why universities make different decisions in a crisis and budgetary restriction situation. The research has an exploratory character and it is developed from a holistic perspective (Yin, 1994). The study reviews the application of the main models of university governance (Stroup, 1966; Millet 1962; Baldridge 1971; Cohen, March and Olsen, 1972; Hardy, 1996), and of the managerial and pluralist perspectives (Hardy, 1991) of university administration.;This research is important because it allows to extend and enrich the theoretical developments of university governance, given the peculiar conditions of its context (Hardy, 1990). Furthermore, the study is important because it contributes to a better knowledge of the university sector, which has not been analyzed much Peru (Pacheco, 1997; Abugattas, 2001).;The case study method was used in this research. This method favors the analysis of a contemporary situation and it allows the analysis of the object of study considering its particular context (Yin, 1981). In order to do so, the university system was analyzed and the cases of two Peruvian state universities were selected.;Triangulation was used (Jick, 1979) in the gathering of data and Non Fiction Narrative (Phillips, 1995) was used in the analysis of the data. The process of analysis was based on the grounded theory (Glaser and Strauss, 1967).;The results of the research enriched the theoretical advances in the topic of university governance in a budgetary restriction situation and they strengthened their empiric richness in a way that allows us to understand governance actions and university administration in a better way.;It was shown that, contrary to the belief that university governance is homogeneous (Salter and Tapper, 2002), there is more than one type of university governance. It was found that universities make different decisions when they face budgetary restriction. At UNMSM, it was decided to establish registration fees for the students and to create production units. However, it was explained that the change came from outside the organization, since the State had constituted a reorganization commission. At UNI a market oriented model was developed and the creation of production units was sought. Unlike the previous case, this change was originated inside the organization by a group of a professors that implemented a project on institutional development.;It was discovered that the pattern developed by Hardy (1983, 1996), in terms of economic and political results, was limited for the analysis of the Peruvian case. It was therefore considered important to include the contribution of Vallee (1995), and to incorporate the social and values factors in the analysis of the university governance results.;Finally, based on the empiric data obtained in the research and considering the contextual approach (Hardy, 1983; Pettigrew, 1985), a general proposal of a university governance model in a period of budgetary restriction was presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:University governance, Budgetary restriction, Crisis, Hardy
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