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Stone circles and sandplay therapy: The language of symbols

Posted on:2012-08-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Harris, RichardFull Text:PDF
Connections between the stone circles of Ireland and sandplay therapy are examined by means of a hermeneutic and heuristic method. The tools of history, archeology, language, psychology, and the natural world are utilized. The common ground between stone circles and sandplay therapy are to be found in the world of nature using the language of symbols. The stone circle builders incorporated nature into their rites and rituals, including the stones for construction and the symbolic shape of their structure---the circle. Sandplay therapy incorporates a psychology grounded in nature. The symbol of the circle in the sand tray is often the indicator that healing or transformation has taken place. One of the primary goals of sandplay therapy is the same as that of the circle builders: to provide an opportunity for people to live symbolic, meaningful lives in the context of an ordered natural world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sandplay therapy, Stone circles, Language
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