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Mediating effects of attention on the relationship between psychological mindedness and mindfulness in a non-clinical population

Posted on:2012-12-25Degree:Psy.DType:Thesis
University:Adler School of Professional PsychologyCandidate:Chaplin, Andre PFull Text:PDF
This study aims to measure the mediating effect of attention on the relationship between psychological mindedness and mindfulness in a non-clinical population. While many studies focus on the roles of these variables as individual entities, this study hypothesizes that there is a relationship between the psychological factors. Prior literature concludes a strong relationship between psychological mindedness and mindfulness. No research found, however, examines the mediating role of attention on this relationship between psychological mindedness and mindfulness. Support of this hypothesis may result in a better understanding of the human psyche and may lead to better and more innovative psychological interventions. This study employs questionnaires regarding psychological mindedness and mindfulness as well as neuropsychological tests to measure attention. Participants are composed of a non-clinical adult population mostly consisting of students in a Clinical Psychology Doctoral and Masters of Arts in Counseling Psychology graduate programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relationship between psychological mindedness, Psychological mindedness and mindfulness, Attention, Mediating, Population, Psychology
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