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The ferryman archetype

Posted on:2012-06-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Howard, AllanFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines the ferryman archetype from its earliest appearances to contemporary times. Early chapters use evidence from both cultural anthropology and early literature to show the ubiquity of a belief in a barrier between this life and the next, and in an escort who aids the crossing. The body of the thesis provides a survey of passages depicting the ferryman, beginning in the classical period and ending in the early modem period. The survey proceeds along chronological lines yet does so within the framework of prevalent literary forms of the respective era, showing how the archetype evolved with each era's prevailing cultural and philosophical tides.;The evidence shows how by being a supporting figure rather than a protagonist, nuances in the ferryman's physical and behavioral characteristics are subservient to literary form and provide an excellent means for establishing tone and providing a navigation marker within the narrative.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ferryman
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