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Fractal analysis applied to ancient Egyptian monumental art

Posted on:2013-11-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Florida Atlantic UniversityCandidate:Robkin, JessicaFull Text:PDF
The study of ancient Egyptian monumental art is based on subjective and qualitative analyses by art historians and Egyptologists who use the change in stylistic trends as Dynastic chronological markers. The art of the ancient Egyptians is recognized the world over due to its specific and consistent style that lasted the whole of Dynastic Egypt. This artwork exhibits fractal qualities that support the applicability of applying fractal analysis as a quantitative and statistical tool to be used in this field. In this thesis, I show the fractality of ancient Egyptian monumental art by analyzing black and white line drawings of twenty-eight separate bas-reliefs with three separate programs: Benoit 1.3, ImageJ, and Fractal3e. After preparing the images with GIMP2 software -- used to remove non-original lines -- I analyzed each image using the fractal box-counting analysis function in the above programs and calculated their fractal dimension, D. The resulting fractal dimension supported the consistency visually identified in the artwork from ancient Egypt, both chronologically and geographically.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ancient egyptian monumental, Art, Fractal
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