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Complexes and Myth: An Exploration Into Working With Complexes Through the Symbolic Meaning of Myth

Posted on:2013-07-12Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Atkins, Michael DFull Text:PDF
Analytical complex theory continues to evolve in the paradigm of postmodern Jungian conceptualization. As such, there have been many modifications to Carl Jung's original model, many of which point to implementing "evidence-based" explanations of complexes. The revisions to Jung's traditional theory raise an important question. If the current trends suggest historical and neurological influences as a cause of complexes, where does this leave the symbolic meaning of the symptom? Utilizing heuristic and alchemical hermeneutic methodology, this thesis explores how myth may be used to create symbolic meaning for clients in the therapeutic treatment of complexes. The research inquiry is considered in the context of Jung's original contribution, as well as through recent perspectives in analytical theory, and involves reviewing the use of both complexes and myth in analytical psychology. The study suggests that the use of myth may serve as a path to healing in the clinical treatment of complexes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Complexes, Myth, Symbolic meaning
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