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Fenologia y variaciones estacionales de nutrientes en las ramas de once fanerofitos mediterraneos (Spanish-English text)

Posted on:2006-11-22Degree:DrType:Thesis
University:Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)Candidate:Milla Gutierrez, RubenFull Text:PDF
As far as we know, the relationships between phenology and the variations in nutrient contents have been explored in one or few species per study, what does not allow define specific strategies for phenologically diverse species. The aim of this PhD thesis was to describe and interpret the relations between phenology and the accumulation-remobilization patterns of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K) in the branches of 11 Mediterranean phanaerophytes selected to represent a wide range of phenological diversity. Phenology was monitored during two years per species. In addition, during that period, the content and concentration of N, P, and K in the different components of the branches (i.e. leaves, stems, flowers, fruits, etc.) were quantified. Some general patterns arose from the analysis of the obtained parameters. The seasonality of N, P, and K remobilization is controlled by the chronology of growth demands and by the environmental seasonality. The maxima in nutrient remobilization occurred in summer. The arrangement of the phenological cycle, i.e. the degree of phenophase sequencing and the length of the phenological cycle, exerted a remarkable effect on the remobilization of N. K dynamics differed from N and P. K was also remobilized in winter and autumn. K dynamics in expanding leaves were also different from that of N and P. The leaf shedding calendar controls, at least in part, the nutrient resorption efficiency from senescing leaves.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nutrient
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