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On the Couch: An Intimate Exploration of Attachment in the Psychoanalytic Relationship

Posted on:2013-07-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Sutton, Shelia DFull Text:PDF
Therapy as it is currently practiced often overlooks the importance of early childhood attachment patterns and their subsequent impact on adult relationships. Using artistic-creative and heuristic methodologies, this production thesis explores the potential for psychological growth through attachment-informed therapeutic practice. Contemporary research in adult attachment theory and clinical practice suggests that psychotherapists can foster corrective emotional experiences for their patients that result in internal structural change. This thesis explores how attachment-informed techniques and interventions facilitate patient transformation and healing. It also elucidates the most up-to-date theory and exposes my personal psychoanalytic relationship in order to illustrate what happens psychologically, and therefore behaviorally and emotionally, when therapist and patient set out to co-create an earned secure attachment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Attachment
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